surfing in the Mentawai Islands

one tourist destination in West Sumatra are the Mentawai Islands. The main one is talking about surf sports and scenery. Waves in the Mentawai is the best no. 3 after Hawaii and Tahiti.

In Mentawai began in early February, for the best seasonnya surfers in May, July, August. In September is the busiest time there. And Kandui at Surf Playground Area in South Siberut (Muara Siberut), there are many world-class wafe spot.

The scenery is also very good. Cultural and still survive and lush forests.

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the beauty of Lake Toba

Lake Toba is located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The lake is volcanic or tectonic lake type, length of 100 km and 30 km wide and 505 meters depth. Lake Toba is a volcanic lake that occurs when a volcano explosion at 69000-77000 years ago, is expected also as one of the largest volcanic explosion in the world. After the explosion, kaledra made (depression in the ground after a volcanic eruption) which is then filled by water and we now know as Lake Toba. Middle of Lake Toba also has a small island which is also called Samosir Island.

If you want to go see the lake Toba, it is advisable to fall to the city of Parapat. From there to see the beautiful clear lake Toba. Parapat is also one tourist city in North Sumatra. So, do not worry for business accommodation, hospitality. And also later from Parapat Toba access to other attractions nearby kedaerah easier, because there is no ferry, ship, or the like that are ready for transport.

Ethnic majority population around Lake Toba is the tramp. In General, people's livelihood as farmers, traders and fishermen.

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a beauty situ patenggang in south Bandung

Located in West Java province at an altitude of about 1,600 m above sea level, the Situ Patenggang panorama alluring. Expanse of green carpet like tea gardens of nature, coupled with cool and clean air and warm sun, giving the impression of peace and tranquility itself for visitors. From the street to a quiet location, the lake seems to be behind the towering tree tea plantations.

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Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Mount Bromo familiar name to our ears. Mount Bromo is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is surrounded by ocean with sand and in addition there Batok volcano Mount Bromo volcano which is a story derived from coconut shell (shell) coconut. Mount Bromo is one of the interesting tourist attraction because of its status as the volcano is still active.

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