Komodo Island

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native animals dragons. This island is also the Komodo National Park which is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island in eastern Sumbawa island, separated by Sape Strait.

He has a latin name Varanus komodoensis and local name "Ora", giant lizards, according to a story first published in 1912 in the East Indies Dutch national daily. Peter A. Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum in Bogor is one who has introduced his paper dragons to the world through it. Since then, expeditions and research on endangered species continue, even reportedly inspired the movie "King Kong" in 1933. Recognizing the need for protection against the dragon in the center of human activity in its habitat that, in 1915 the Dutch government issued a ban on hunting and killing the dragon.

Besides Komodo Park national Island to observe the life of the Komodo dragon closely. You can also dive into the waters of the North and the Islands to the South. The waters to the North of the warm waters of the current meeting of the sea of band and flowers. On the contrary, the waters of the South offer the cold waters of Indonesia ocean currents. The combination of these two different characters these waters produce a rich underwater ecosystem. Various types of coral reefs and reproductive life in a place to live so many species of marine fish and aquatic life support systems Distributor. Many divers have witnessed life under the sea in the charming island of Komodo, which saves millions of potential biological diversity.

In 2009, the National Park has been named a finalist in the "New Seven Wonders of Nature" has published in 2010 by voting online at

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