Prambanan Temple

Located 13 km from the town of Klaten, heading west on the road to Yogyakarta and 17 km from Yogyakarta to the east on the road to the town of Klaten / Surakarta, Temple or Prambanan Temple Jonggrang Rara is the largest Hindu temple in Central Java. Administratively, this temple complex is located on the border of Central Java and Yogyakarta. Public mention of this temple to temple Larajonggrang name, a label that is actually wrong. Rara in the Java language to describe women. In folklore, known as Rara Jonggrang Ratubaka Prabhu daughter whose name is immortalized as a complex of heritage buildings in the hills south of Candi Prambanan Saragedug.

Complex Prambanan Temple has three pages, i.e. the first page of a square, is the page most sacred, because the page there are three main temples (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma), are 3 of the Chapel, two temples, 4 the curtain of the temple4 angle temples / PIN. The second page also berdenah square, located lower than the first page. On this page there are 224 pieces of Chapel composed of 4 series with a proportion of 68, 60, 52 and 44 temples. The composition thus forming a concentric arrangement towards the center of the page.

Prambanan temple complex built by King Wamca (Dinasty) Sanjaya in the 9th century. On the fence wall ledge Shiva temple and Brahma temple carved reliefs of the Ramayana story, while at the fence of the temple steps Krisnayana Vishnu carved reliefs. Shiva temple entrance from the east turn left you will find reliefs of the Ramayana story in a clockwise direction, the relief the next story to be continued in the temple of Brahma.

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